At first, I thought the new Air CRT with the Heavy Damage and Press was a nice addition.
But after using it, I'm of the belief the revised CRT skews the air-war toward the Soviet side. Even for a lowly -1 attack, there is a 33% chance that your all important Stuka will now find it's way to the Suppressed and Damaged Pile. Previously at -1, there was 0% chance for the Stuka to become Suppressed.
And It carries through. It becomes 50% when you include the Press option at +1 and above. I know I'd gladly sacrifice a Soviet Fighter to get rid of the most potent weapon in the Axis arsenal.
And now that the Stuka is damaged AND Suppressed, it is out till 3 turns later, given the fact that the Axis do not have an abundance of FPs to Rush Recover.
First, we have to accept the Axis Air Superiority at the start of Barbarossa is paramount to get those CAS shifts with their attacks to keep the front moving. More important, the red bolt is even more critical. I also don't think the Soviets need more help.
I would expect that it becomes even worse later in the war, when the Soviet Air Force appears in force.
Anyone else notice that?
As the Germans you have limited FPs but Rush Repairing Stukas may be Fuel-worthy. During "Free Stuff" you have another chance but it is not free. A damaged and suppressed Stuka could fly the next turn.
I get all that. But the FPs are not there to spend. Can the German afford to Rush recover Stukas all Summer. They don't have the FPs to do that!