Played the first German turn today and just noticed that Barbarossa starts in June III instead of June IV. That's a big and interesting change that wasn't called out. Gives the Germans an extra turn to take Lwow and Minsk before the Soviets produce in the season start.
Also, has the Romanian Armored Corp been removed? They start with a 2-1-5 division, but the other divisions aren't in their force pool and I don't see a card to create them.
Thanks. Totally missed that Spring was only three weeks in Eastern Europe and looked for, but missed finding the Romanian upgrade card. I see it now.
At present, there is no Army Org in Summer. This means just one use of Roll Bahns during the Summer of '41 as the only help logistically. I am playing one game as Germans vs a 7 spending limit (a confident Soviet player), and I am guessing that the absence of 14 Soviet steps through July will create a fluid situation throughout the summer. Odessa seems to be a more viable target now than before--we'll see. The absence of the Romanian Mech in '41, being more realistic, doesn't seem significant to me.
You might not have looked at the Turn Track yet. Each Month in Spring in East Europe only has 3 Weeks! There is no June IV turn any longer. :D
Check their cards. You can take that as a future Romanian upgrade.
Well, with 1 Romanian tank unit, that makes that whole Odessa discussion moot. Lmao
In Winter of '42 (Jan), there is a card, "Army Expansion", that arrives which gives you a choice of three expansions of the Romanian Force Pool in the sequence you prefer. Only the one Romanian Tk Corps is available in '41 now. Event cards and OOB cards arrive at different times. I like studying them in their totality, making notes, and planning with more strategic foresight. Some will prefer to take them as they come. The Spring months are now three turns long in the EE Theater. Barb starts on June 3 and then goes to July 1. This makes more sense to me in Spring of '42, which used to see too much action. I hope players will feel free to post as you have Graham, w/o feeling they should study the changes in real detail first. It's hard to catch all the changes, even when searching for them.