first, i hope you will excuse me for my english : i'm french.
2 questions :
i was reading the new scenario instructions for Barbarossa campaign and i don't understand somes points :
> in russian instructions, you write
"Emergency Mobilization OOB" marker - august 1941
URSS mobile force (C; groupe 4) OOB marker - august 1941
i don't find this markers in the VASSAL module (nothing in august calendar). I don't find anything about them in the rule book ...
can you explain me ?
in their change box, germans start with 2 x (10-6 armored),3 x (12-9-6) and 4x(14-9-W-6)
how can they buy this troops ?
is there a card to play (wich one ) ?
are they in their force pool ?
For the (14-9-W-6), do they can break their 12-9-6 to groop enough (4-2-6) to built 14-9-w-6. can they do it during set up ?
sorry if all this is basic for you, it's a hard fight for me to follow evolutions of this fantastic game with a bad level of english.
Thank you for helping.
The scenario information is written for the future Thunder in the East 2. The 14-9-[6] and 10-[6] Panzer corps are other options in the future TiTE2 Update Kit. Just use a regular 12-9-[6] when needed. For the stand alone TiTE, the units have a coming and going so one list can work fine. Looking ahead to the whole ETO system, you might have someone wanting to play Decision in the West with Thunder in the East. The units might still have movement between The Middle Sea so those OOB transfer cards would still be in play. The player would be in control of the units moving between the East and the West so those cards could be removed. Players still have the usual deck of cards to draw from each month. Other theaters have some new cards. The other type of OOB cards is to bring new units often to the force pool to show a new advancement. The Emergency Mobilization card has changed a bit with play testing. It is currently also an OOB card. It comes into your hand for free on a set schedule. You then play them as you choose and sometime advance to the next step. Group 4 on the USSR Mobile Forces (C) happens on August I 1941. All the Early Mechs are removed from play and yield their ?-4s and EPs. Six 2-1-[5] are placed in the force pool. That is the tank support for the Soviets until October 1941 when Group 5 happens via card play. Over the next six turns the 2-1-[5]s will be replaced by the going forward standard tank corp 3-1-[6]. In January, the next season (+1S); Group 6 will happen and three more 3-1-[6]s will be added to the force pool for building.